Ordinary Membership
It shall be open to the Company to admit as an Ordinary Member any bonafide person/firm or company engaged in the manufacture of Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances and is registered with the director of Industries of a State / Union Territory or DGTD and holds a valid registration certificate/industrial license/ letter of intent for manufacture of the said items and is engaged in actual production of the said items.
Ordinary Members are eligible to contest for positions of Office Bearers and Executive Committee.

Associate Membership
It shall be open to the Company to admit as an Associate Member any bonafide person/firm, company, or brand owner engaged in marketing of Consumer Electronics and Appliances, but shall exclude owners of private labels.
It shall also include manufacturers of accessories and components used with these items. These manufacturers would include those located overseas.
Associate Members are eligible to contest for positions of Executive Committee.

Honorary Membership
It shall be open to the Company to invite any individual to be an Honorary Member from among those who have distinguished themselves as scientists, academicians, industrialists, and officials in matters related to the field of electronics.
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